A new report has been published recently which highlights concerns in midwife training. This report, by the charity Baby Lifeline, states that midwives are receiving […]
According to recent reports, researchers are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the hope of reducing pregnancy negligence in black women. The researchers plan to look […]
Midwives at West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds said they were “exhausted and broken” and claimed the unit was “consistently short-staffed”. These conditions may […]
As natural as the process may be, childbirth can carry significant risk. This can sometimes lead to cerebral palsy. Babies are incredibly fragile and so […]
July is Group B Strep Awareness Month, an annual campaign to highlight the importance of group B Strep awareness, education, and research. The campaign is […]
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) have said that two hospitals must improve their maternity services as they found that the hospitals did not always have […]