We Offer a No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Solicitors in Bath
We specialise in helping victims of clinical negligence claim the compensation they deserve
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Medical Negligence Solicitors in Bath
Do you need top medical negligence solicitors in Bath? Moreover, do you have an injury because a trusted medical professional fails to deliver the standard of care you deserve?
The Medical Negligence Experts can help. Our team of Bath medical negligence solicitors have the skill, knowledge and experience necessary for your case. We can make sure you receive maximum compensation for your injury.
By law, it doesn’t matter if your treatment was life-saving or elective. Or, whether you sought care from an NHS or private practitioner. The fact remains that if you suffer harm because someone else made a mistake, talk to us.
We can provide you with free, no-obligation advice that will help you understand your rights and options. Therefore, you can make the best decision for your future and that of your family.
Our medical negligence solicitors in Bath can help with any medical negligence claim including:
- cancer misdiagnosis;
- NHS negligence, and;
- birth injuries.
We understand that, at the centre of every claim, is a person who has suffered unfairly.
The Medical Negligence Experts help you obtain compensation and ensure you have the resources to move forward with your life. Because it’s bad enough that you suffer physical injury through no fault of your own.
No Win No Fee* Medical Negligence Claims
We appreciate that not everyone has immediate access to the level of finance to hire a lawyer privately. Accordingly, legal aid only applies to a small number of birth injury claims. But that often means that expert legal representation is out of reach of most people’s budgets.
However, we approach medical negligence claims differently. We believe everyone should have access to the support and guidance of a capable lawyer. Especially in successfully claiming compensation for medical negligence. With this support, the majority of claims we handle offer a no win no fee* agreement.
No win, no fee agreements, also called conditional fee agreements, work in the following way:
- Your lawyer carries the financial risk for your claim.
- They’ll assess it in detail to determine whether it has a good (typically 60%) chance of succeeding.
Proving negligence on a No Win No Fee Basis
Generally speaking, proving negligence is not easy. In fact, lawyers won’t recommend you start a claim unless they are confident of a positive outcome.
You may already have legal insurance under existing health or home insurance policy. But, if not, your solicitor can give you information about After the Event insurance policies. ATE policies will protect you if your claim is not successful and you have to pay your opponent’s legal fees.
If you win your claim, your opponent will pay the agreed amount of compensation. In addition, they will also pay your lawyer’s fees. That will also include any incidental costs like independent medical reports and court fees.
With a CFA, you don’t pay your lawyer’s fees whether you win or lose. If your claim is successful, then you will pay them a success fee. We’ll discuss this amount at the start of your application: it can’t be more than 25% of your compensation payment.
Win or lose, a no win no fee* agreement takes the financial risk away from seeking compensation for your injury.
You can find out more in our Guide to No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Compensation Claims.
Types of Medical Negligence Claims
Medical negligence can affect any patient regardless of the nature of their treatment. They might receive care under the NHS or having treatment privately. Also, they may suffer medical negligence for treatment occurring abroad.
Our medical negligence lawyers in Bath can handle all types of compensation claims for medical negligence. So contact them today if you believe your injury was, in fact, avoidable.
Common types of claims we handle
Accident and Emergency negligence claims in Bath
Patients present to A&E when they are in need of urgent care. They expect to receive assessment and treatment that will allow them to recover. Or at least get a referral to the appropriate specialist. Unfortunately, the standard of care is not always acceptable.
In addition, patients can suffer harm through:
- a rush in examination and misdiagnosis;
- having their condition deteriorate to a dangerously low point from having to wait an excessive amount of time;
- getting a prescription or even the wrong medication, and;
- even improper record-keeping which causes problems later in the treatment.
Cosmetic surgery negligence claims in Bath
You can seek compensation if you experience negligent care from cosmetic surgery (i.e. breast augmentation or chemical skin peel). Your surgeon has a duty of care to ensure you’re aware of the treatment’s potential risks and outcomes. Moreover, they need to make sure you are a good candidate for the process.
Stricter regulation of the cosmetic surgery industry is making it safer for patients. However, there are negligence scenarios like medical errors, faulty parts and even poor-post surgical care which leads to infection.
Hospital negligence claims in Bath
A hospital is a place you go to with the expectation that you’ll feel better. Unfortunately for some patients, negligence can make the opposite true. In this scenario, negligence leaving them in a worse state than they were at admission.
The Bath Medical Negligence Experts can assist if you:
- suffer from a hospital-acquisition infection with links to poor hygiene practices;
- an infection from pressure sores;
- you receive the wrong or even no medication you require;
- if you suffer an injury while they are moving you, or;
- if your surgeon made a mistake while operating on you.
Pregnancy and Birth negligence claims in Bath
These claims are if you or your baby suffers injury or illness through negligence. Examples include inadequate antenatal monitoring or intervention during a difficult birth. Talk to our medical negligence solicitors in Bath to learn more.
We successfully represent women who have suffered lasting injuries due to poorly done episiotomies. Moreover, the parents of babies who are claiming compensation on behalf of their child for injuries sustained during childbirth.
Your case is unique
All compensation claims are unique. Even if we’re representing separate clients with the same type of injury, we’re ready to assist. We know that the circumstances of negligence and the impact their injury has had on their lives can vary drastically.
Every client has an individual set of needs. So we endeavour to tailor our support to fit you, rather than expecting you to fit in some generic set of processes. One size does not fit all, particularly concerning compensation claims.
Medical Negligence Compensation Claims FAQ
We are happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation conversation when you contact us. This is your chance to get advice. It will help you decide whether you’re:
- eligible to make a claim and;
- the impact that doing so will have on your life.
Below, we have outlined some of the most frequently asked questions we receive from prospective clients.
Can I make a claim for medical negligence in Bath?
Not every injury one sustains in a hospital or from your medical professional is due to negligence. Every treatment has some degree of risk. Negligence occurs when they don’t manage that risk, and you suffer injury or illness as a result. If you can answer “yes”, you might be able to raise a compensation claim.
Did your care provider fail to give you an acceptable standard of care?
Did you suffer direct injury, or did your condition worsen as a result?
Not all negligent care will cause injury. Your doctor may not request the necessary test that would have diagnosed your condition sooner. But if that delay doesn’t bring harm to you, you have no grounds to claim compensation.
Likewise, say you fall victim to a post-surgery infection. However, the procedure features all reasonable steps occurring to prevent this from happening. Accordingly, you can’t claim it was due to negligence.
For a compensation claim to proceed, there must be both causation and damages.
How can I prove a clinical negligence claim?
Proving that negligence was the cause of your injury can be time-consuming and difficult. As a result, claims require handling from solicitors who specialise in medical negligence. Your lawyer will build a strong case with the use of your medical records, independent medical assessments and witness statements.
Depending on the nature of your claim, your expert medical lawyer may look at other things, too. Such as, how often a diagnostic machine receive servicing? Additionally, whether it operates correctly. They will compare the standard of care you receive with that in which comparable facilities provide.
This can show that you receive care lower than what is acceptable in that branch of medicine. In short, they will go through every step of your care to identify and show where it was negligent.
How much compensation will I receive?
Understandably, clients want to know how much compensation they can get. Especially so before deciding to commit to a process that can last 18 months to two years. Or even longer in the case of significant and life-altering injuries. In short, the system does not award generic amounts.
We calculate compensation for general damages and special damages
General damages
This portion of your payment accounts for physical pain and suffering. The Judicial College sets guidelines to assess general damages. These result from the nature of an injury and the person it affects. For example, a woman in her twenties left infertile through negligent gynaecological care can expect a higher payment than a woman in her fifties suffering the same condition.
Special damages
Effectively, special damages ensure the injury you suffer doesn’t leave you out of pocket. It covers expenses like:
- prescription costs and additional nursing care;
- private physiotherapy treatment or;
- lost of earnings because you need time to recover from your injury.
It can also include loss of future earnings if you can’t work in the same role as before. Or if the injury forces you into early retirement due to your injury. As well as any income your partner may lose because they take time off work to become your carer.
How long will my claim take?
The average medical negligence compensation claim takes between 18 months to two years. This time limit can be longer if the other party does any number of things. For instance, they might:
- deny liability, or;
- refuse to pay what we know to be a fair and reasonable amount of compensation. Additionally;
- if the long-term implications of an injury are unclear.
Cerebral palsy negligence claims, for example, can often take several years. This is because of the long-term needs of the victim need assessment, which isn’t a straightforward process.
Will I have to go to court?
For many people, claiming compensation will be the first time they need a solicitor. This is true regardless of whether its care home neglect or something else.
Litigation is something very new, and the prospect of having to go to court can be daunting. Nearly all NHS medical negligence claims (over 98%, in fact) reach a resolution without having to go to court. That result will certainly be our aim for your claim as well.
Perhaps the other party denies responsibility even though we are confident we can prove it. On the other hand, you can’t agree on a fair amount of compensation. Accordingly, we may submit your claim to the Court or a judge to review the case and make a decision. It can take 12-18 months to assign a court date.
Accordingly, we will continue to negotiate on your behalf up until you walk into the courtroom.
Compensation claims usually occur in a court without a jury. Both parties present their evidence to the judge, who will review it. The judge also looks at efforts each party makes to resolve out of court: their decision will be final. Your Bath solicitor will be with you every step of the way:
- supporting you;
- advising you and;
- representing your legal rights to ensure the most positive outcome.
Talk with us today
Talk to The Medical Negligence Experts today. The easiest way to find out more is to call using our freephone number.
*Please note that with Medical Negligence Solicitors in Bath, certain conditions apply.