Contraception Failure Negligence Claims
We specialise in helping victims of contraception failure claim the compensation they deserve
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Contraception Failure Negligence Claims
Generally, an unsought pregnancy can present a grave impact on a woman’s life. In short, contraception failure negligence brings about a massive & rather unlikely upheaval in one’s life.
At best, falling pregnant unexpectedly can be a financial burden and interrupt her career at a critical time. At worst, it can create distressing implications which can put mental and physical health at risk. Doubtless that the costs of bringing up a child you thought you’d effectively planned against cause some level of frustration.
The reason behind choosing to use contraception doesn’t matter, in general. But what does matter is whether women or men can rely on it. There is no type of contraception which is effective 100% of the time. However, the failure in the forms of contraception due to contraception failure negligence is unacceptable.
- Contraception implants;
- Tubal ligature;
- Vasectomy or;
- Failed sterilisation procedures.
What is Contraception Failure Negligence?
Contraception failure negligence occurs when unwanted pregnancy results from contraception’s incorrect administration. The contraception implant, for example, needs insertion in a specific way at a particular time in a woman’s cycle to be effective.
In cases with the Implanon brand before 2010, several instances of contraception failure were a result of poor design, making insertion difficult. While juges deem the health provider to be at fault, the manufacturer changes the design in 2011 to make it easier to use correctly.
Vasectomy clinical negligence
Vasectomy involves cutting or sealing the tubes which carry sperm from a man’s testicles to the penis. It has a 99% effectiveness rate meaning that in the UK, it fails for one in every 2,000 men who have the procedure.
Vasectomy or sterilisation negligence occurs when the practitioner does not block the tubes correctly. Thus leading to recanalisation which allows the sperm to push holes through the soft scar tissue.
- You can avoid it by using permanent clips on the tubes;
- Cauterising/heat sealing them;
- Turning the cut sides away from each other;
Then, there’s the failure of contraception where the surgeon fails to block the right tube.
Tubal ligation
Tubal ligation, which is a similar process for the tube carrying the ova from a woman’s ovary to uterus. It can fail for the same reasons. Surgeons employ a keyhole surgical strategy, placing clips on the fallopian tubes to block the sperm and egg from meeting.
Failed contraception due to medical negligence is rare, but it does happen. So, too, does a successful claim for compensation, as we share below.
One recent case involves a woman falling pregnant with twins despite having a contraceptive implant. It transpires that instead of inserting an actual implant, the practitioner uses a placebo training implant.
The health trust pays £44,000 compensation to cover loss of earnings and emotional shock to the mother for wrongful birth. Despite the pain and suffering, she continues with her pregnancy and has two healthy babies.
How can we help?
Contact The Medical Negligence Experts if you believe your contraception has failed due to medical negligence. We will talk to you about your situation to determine whether your claim has a high likelihood of success.
Should you decide to continue, we can put you in contact with an independent medical assessor. In turn, they can help collate the evidence to prove your contraception failure occurs. Moreover, this failure is due to clinical error rather than any other reason.
Contraception failure negligence compensation is awarded based on loss of income and emotional distress. Get in touch with The Medical Negligence Experts today and find how we can help you.
Benefits of No Win, No Fee claims
We work with a nationwide network of experienced medical negligence solicitors that know vasectomy negligence and contraception failure negligence alike. This means we can find the right law firm to suit your individual needs. We operate a service that’s proud to deliver the best customer care possible. In addition, we always aim to deliver an excellent outcome for our clients.
Through No Win, No Fee agreements, everyone can access top legal advice regardless of their finances. Before the introduction of these agreements:
- The financial risks of pursuing a medical negligence claim were often too daunting for patients looking to seek compensation;
- Moreover, it was due to the expenses associated with these complex cases.
Thankfully, working with a No Win, No Fee medical negligence solicitor makes things easier. Because any financial risk is passed to them, as they won’t be paid unless your claim is successful.
With a No Win, No Fee agreement, the legal advice that you access will be provided free of charge, and you will also be covered for any work undertaken on your case. In addition to the No Win, No Fee agreement helping to omit any fears regarding the upfront costs of medical negligence claims, you can also benefit from the peace of mind of knowing that your solicitors are 100% dedicated to obtaining a successful outcome for your case.
As the financial risks of a medical negligence claim now lie with the solicitor. Because when they agree to support your case, you can be assured that they believe there is a high probability that your case will succeed.