Misdiagnosis Claims
We specialise in helping victims who have been misdiagnosed which have resulted in life changing circumstances. *We are a claims management company and receive payments from our partnered law firms. We offer a free claim assessment and will connect you to a specialist law firm if we identify a potential claim that our law firms can help with.
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No Win No Fee* Misdiagnosis Claims
No Win No Fee* Misdiagnosis Claims exist because there are too many scenarios where medical professionals let us down.
In short, examples of medical negligence occur in all areas of medicine. Whether a practitioner or practice is run privately or as part of the NHS, mistakes are made when misreading test results resulting in misdiagnosis. Sometimes it is because the results are unclear or ambiguous. However, there are times when misreading rest results is purely down to human error and therefore completely avoidable.
*No Win No Fee: Typically, customers pay 25% including VAT of the compensation amount that is recovered by our third-party law firms, although this is subject to your individual circumstances and the actual fee may be more or less than this. Termination fees may apply if you do not keep to the terms of the agreement.
Misdiagnosis Due To Misread Test Results?
Medical negligence caused by incorrectly interpreting test results is more common than you may think. It is an area of medical negligence the lawyers we work with at The Medical Negligence Experts have lots of experience of handling. Misdiagnosed test results can cause a patient to have delayed or incorrect treatment which can make their condition much worse than it would be had the mistake not occurred. In the most extreme cases, misdiagnosed results has caused the deaths of patients who would otherwise have recovered from their illness.
For a claim for diagnostic error compensation to be successful the patient, or the family acting on their behalf if they are incapable of representing themselves, must demonstrate that:
- The doctor, clinician, dentist, or responsible medical practitioner showed negligence in their incorrect interpretation of the test results; and
- That their negligent actions have caused you harm.
It is important to note that the misinterpretation of test results is not evidence of misdiagnosis. Even the most experienced doctors can make an incorrect diagnosis despite having taken every care not to do so.
The accepted diagnostic practice is to evaluate and assess a patient’s symptoms before using the information available to list potential causes. The most obvious of these is tested first, with the doctor progressing through the list, discarding possible causes as tests or diagnostics rule them out until the most likely cause remains.
How Can We Help?
The Medical Negligence Experts will look at the process the doctor went through to reach their decision to see if negligence existed. Did they analyse all likely causes based on your symptoms, or did they make an assumption without adequate assessment? Would a similar doctor have reached the same conclusion, or would they have achieved the correct diagnosis?
If we find potential evidence of negligence, the next step is to determine whether it caused harm a patient would not have otherwise experienced. For example, did the delay in the diagnosis of skin cancer cause the disease to spread and necessitate a more aggressive form of treatment? Such a skin graft and radiotherapy, and does the patient now have an increased risk of recurrence?
If we can help, we will put you in contact with one of our panel of legal firms who also work with independent medical experts to help provide evidence to support your claim, negotiate on your behalf, and if it is not possible to resolve your claim out of court, they will represent you in court and fight for the best possible outcome.
Contact The Medical Negligence Experts today and find out how we can help you.