Midwife Negligence Claims
We specialise in helping victims of midwife negligence claim the compensation they deserve. *We are a claims management company and receive payments from our partnered law firms. We offer a free claim assessment and will connect you to a specialist law firm if we identify a potential claim that our law firms can help with.
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Midwife Negligence Claims
When the care is inadequate, the results can be devastating: and Midwife Negligence Claims can help to correct it.
Being pregnant carries enough concerns for the expectant parents without having to worry that the mother or child may suffer harm because of negligence. Birth injuries can result due to midwife negligence in antenatal care, during the birth itself, or while the mother and baby are in the care of a midwifery team after the birth. Parents, especially new parents, have no choice but to place their trust in the midwives and medical practitioners to deliver an excellent standard of care.
If you or your baby has received an injury due to medical negligence, then contact The Medical Negligence Experts.
What is midwife negligence?
Midwife negligence is an avoidable error which causes you or your baby injury or harm. Not all birth injuries are the result of neglect – there are occasions when a mother could receive exceptional care yet damage still occur.
Examples of midwife negligence to the mother can include:
- Incorrect suturing after a perineal tear or episiotomy
- Misdiagnosed, or missed, pre-eclampsia
- Inadequate monitoring in high-risk pregnancies
- Delays in intervening in difficult births
The results of medical negligence can have lifelong effects. For example, a delay intervening in a difficult birth can cause the baby to be starved of oxygen. In turn, they suffer brain damage or cerebral palsy as a result. Meanwhile, the health of both mother and child can be placed at risk of infections. Also, conditions like preeclampsia if there is not adequate monitoring during pregnancy.
A midwife is also responsible for identifying potential birth issues and referring the mother to an obstetrician if she or her baby may be at risk. An example is when a child’s measurements in utero are exceptionally large, or they are in an awkward position in the late stages of pregnancy which may present a risk of them becoming stuck during birth.
How can we help?
The Medical Negligence Experts work with a team of lawyers experienced in handling midwife negligence and birth injury claims that can help you determine whether you have grounds for a valid claim and, if so, how to proceed.
A successful medical negligence claim can mean a child with lasting damages sustained due to midwifery errors has the best chance of achieving their full potential in life. Compensation can pay for additional treatment and therapy, and can also help cover any extra costs you have endured as a result of being injured by negligent care.
Midwife negligence and birth injury claims can be difficult to prove, especially if the mother’s or baby’s recovery is ongoing and the long term effects of their injury are unknown. The sooner you start the claim process, the easier it will be to obtain the necessary evidence to prove injury through negligence, and greater the chance your request has of being successful. The impact of pregnancy or birth going wrong can be devastating, but that pain compounds when it was due to negligence and therefore avoidable.
Contact The Medical Negligence Experts today and ask us to help you obtain the compensation you deserve.