GP Negligence Claims
We specialise in helping victims of GP negligence claim the compensation they deserve.*We are a claims management company and receive payments from our partnered law firms. We offer a free claim assessment and will connect you to a specialist law firm if we identify a potential claim that our law firms can help with.
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GP Negligence Claims
Your GP is the first port of call when you have a concern about your health. But with GP negligence claims, you may experience a let down. While you don’t expect your GP to be able to resolve every illness they see in a ten-minute session, they should know enough to be able to refer a patient to a specialist for further assessment or treatment when necessary. There are times, however, when GPs make mistakes which can have grave consequences for those in their care.
What is GP Negligence?
Negligence occurs when your GP either misdiagnoses your condition or does not make a referral which could lead to the correct diagnosis. It can include:
- Prescription errors – giving a patient an incorrect dose or prescribing medication with an ingredient they have a known allergy to.
- Not completing their notes correctly (e.g., not recording the family history of a condition, or allergy information) which can affect their standard of care at a later time.
- Mistakes when reading test results.
- Not referring a patient for further tests or scans when symptoms indicate it is required.
- Carrying out procedures they are not qualified to do.
How Can We Help?
The Medical Negligence Experts work with a team of lawyers experienced in obtaining compensation for clients who suffer a personal injury due to clinical negligence. It is our job to ascertain firstly whether you have a potential claim and, if so, get you connected with our partnered solicitors. It is not enough to simply prove you suffered negligent care. For a claim to be successful, you must show that the negligence contributed to your injury or ill-health.
Find out more by making a free, no-obligation enquiry to The Medical Negligence Experts. Whether you are claiming for yourself or on behalf of a relative there are legally defined time limits for submitting an application for compensation, so contact us today.