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    Please note, we cannot deal with any claims relating to mental health at this time. We can only help where a physical injury has occurred.

    Free Patient Legal Advice Line

    The Medical Negligence Experts have a strong reputation for successful medical negligence compensation claims but also for excellent customer service. Our Free Patient Legal Advice Line puts you under no obligation. In short, we match you to a specialist solicitor with the right experience in successfully claiming compensation.

    See the number above: during each enquiry, we tailor our service to meet the individual needs of our clients.

    We work with leading medical negligence solicitors around the UK. In effect, we can always provide you with legal advice and representation where you need it.

    Wherever you are in the UK, a call to our Patient Advice Line will help you on the road to recovery. Places for our medical negligence advice include Birmingham, Cardiff, Manchester, Liverpool, London, Sheffield and Warrington, and elsewhere too.

    Call our Free Patient Legal Advice Line

    No Win, No Fee Clinical Negligence Claims

    Trust in free legal advice on time limits, claims against an NHS Trust, pro bono work, conditional fee agreements and more. Because the law firms we work with can offer guidance for your medical negligence case on a no win, no fee basis.

    The solicitors we work with have experience obtaining maximum compensation for all types of medical negligence claims against both NHS and private practitioners. If as a patient you experience a standard of care so low that it affects your health, call our claim line to find out how we can help.

    Our extensive network of medical negligence experts give you the rehabilitation support you need to move forward with your life. There’s no fixed fee, just a success fee if you win. And if you can’t afford to pay upfront, this is the best way to access our support services.

    Compensation is both:

    • recognition of the physical pain and suffering you endure thanks to another person’s mistake, and;
    • ensuring you can access the right medical care you need to recover, and;
    • that you don’t suffer financially.

    The law centres we work with can assist with legal aid and are members of the Law Society. For any legal issue you need a hand with, touch base with our free patient legal advice line today.

    We assist victims of all types of medical negligence, including:

    Accident and emergency negligence claims

    People who go to A&E for treatment, either under their own steam or in an ambulance, are already suffering. They need a fast and accurate assessment followed by the right treatment or an appropriate referral. Accident and emergency negligence can result from mistakes like:

    • not checking a patient’s history;
    • rushes in an examination that does acknowledge symptoms;
    • misreading test results or x-rays, and;
    • sending patients home when they need to be admitted for treatment.

    If these mistakes cause your injury, talk to one of the experts on our claim line.

    Cancer negligence claims

    Enormous strides come in the early diagnosis and effective treatment of most types of cancer. However, for these to work, patients rely on their doctor or oncologist to do their job without making mistakes. For instance:

    • failing to investigate symptoms;
    • not referring them for specialist assessment, and;
    • misinterpreting test results leading to misdiagnosis or treatment delays.

    Care home negligence claims

    The ill and elderly are two of the most vulnerable groups in society. These days, families living further apart and are unable to provide the right care for a diminished family member. In short, care homes play an increasingly important role in tending to their needs.

    Care home negligence can range from:

    • lack of supervision;
    • not preventing or treating pressure sores;
    • fractures caused when moving a patient from a bed to a chair, or;
    • not providing the appropriate mobility aids to assist your movement.

    Cosmetic surgery: free patient legal advice

    The Medical Negligence Experts can assist with elective and private treatments. As well as non-elective surgery is done by an NHS or private practitioner. Our solicitors can successfully handle claims relating to all types of cosmetic surgery negligence claims. Including if you have had your treatment abroad.

    Free Patient Legal Advice on Dental claims, too

    Useful whether you suffer from:

    • undetected gum disease;
    • had an unnecessary tooth extraction, or;
    • any other way due to your dentist’s mistake.

    You can rely on our lawyers to help you successfully claim maximum compensation.

    Doctor and GP negligence claims

    For most people, their GP is their first point of contact when they believe something is wrong with their health. One of the roles of the GP is to know when a patient needs referring for specialist assessment or treatment. If your GP:

    • fails in their duty of care and;
    • you suffer harm as a result;

    contact our claim line to find out if you can claim compensation.

    Eye injury negligence claims

    The Medical Negligence Experts can successfully obtain payment of damages for injuries caused by opticians, ophthalmologists, and LASIK practitioners.

    Hospital negligence claims

    Hospital is a place for healing, above all. But inadequate nursing care or the spread of hospital-acquired infections can make things worse instead of better. In truth, they might leave patients in a worse state than when they went in.

    Our medical negligence solicitors regularly obtain compensation for patients suffering injury through hospital negligence. Therefore, contact us if you believe your injury was avoidable.

    Incorrect diagnosis negligence claims

    Incorrect diagnosis prevents a patient from receiving the right treatment which can cause their condition treatment. Not all cases of the wrong diagnosis are due to negligence, for sure. However, where we can prove yours was, and show you suffer injury as a result, you can request payment of damages.

    NHS negligence claims

    The NHS treats millions of patients every year. Most of them receive a good level of care, and their health improves. Unfortunately, there are times when a medical practitioner working for the NHS fails to deliver an acceptable standard of care. As a result, a patient suffers injury or even dies due to their mistake.

    Talk to our Free Patient Legal Advice Line today to find out how we can help. Especially if you or your family matters are the victims of NHS negligence in England and Wales.

    Other types of legal claims our clinical negligence solicitors can handle include:

    • Nurse negligence claims;
    • Pharmacy negligence claims;
    • Physio negligence claims;
    • Pregnancy negligence claims;
    • Serious Illness negligence claims;
    • Surgery negligence claims.

    One of the most common types of medical negligence is medical misdiagnosis. Medical misdiagnosis can appear in either of two ways:

    • missing diagnosis: where professionals overlook an illness or condition entirely; and
    • incorrect diagnosis: where professionals misdiagnose an illness as another type of condition.

    Both of these can have huge implications for a patient’s health, and can even be fatal.

    If you have been injured as the result of medical misdiagnosis, talk to our free Patient Legal Advice Line. Find out how much compensation you may deserve as a result. Whatever the cause: whether it was

    • because there was no referral for tests;
    • a misread test results;
    • or another reason

    Regardless, we will give you the legal advice and representation that can make your claim successful.

    Successful compensation claims

    An example of a successful compensation claim regarding medical misdiagnosis relates to a man who received a five-figure payment due to delayed diagnosis of his bowel cancer. Despite seeing his GP with concerning symptoms eight times over the course of 19 months, his GP did not:

    • conduct an examination or;
    • refer for any tests.

    The patient’s cancer was only detected when he arrived at A&E with severe pain and haemorrhaging. Suddenly, his symptoms were investigated and his cancer detected. The man’s GP was found negligent as his lack of assessment and action allowed the patient’s condition to deteriorate. Moreover, it was to the point that his illness was terminal, and his symptoms could only be managed, not treated.

    How Can We Help?

    The Medical Negligence Experts work with solicitors with the relevant skill to obtain compensation for clients. If you think you may deserve payment for damages, just call our free Patient Legal Advice Line for advice. We happily offer a free, no-obligation conversation with an agent who can answer any question you may have.

    To help get you started, we have listed some medical negligence FAQ and their answers.

    Can I make a claim?

    In essence, in order to be eligible to claim the compensation, you must be able to:

    • prove that the care you receive falls below an acceptable standard and;
    • that you were injured as a direct result of someone else’s mistake.

    How do I prove negligence?

    The success of your application, consequentially, rests on being able to show causation and damages. In short, we’ll collect the necessary evidence to show that the medical professional fails in their duty of care. Moreover, there is a direct correlation between their mistake and the injury you end up suffering.

    Your solicitor will also provide information supporting any financial expense you have incurred due to your injury. Damages can include items like prescription costs or private medical treatment. Moreover, there’s also the loss of income lost due to your extended recovery time. As well as if your partner or spouse takes time off work to care for you.

    How much compensation will I receive?

    The amount of compensation you can receive for medical negligence depends on the nature and severity of your injury. Plus, the financial cost you incur because of it. The Judicial College updates and publishes guidelines each year. So your solicitor can give you an approximation of what you can expect based on your particular circumstances.

    Can I claim for medical negligence if I wasn’t in a hospital?

    Medical negligence can happen in any medical environment, not only hospitals. The Medical Negligence Experts can successfully represent clients harmed from inadequate care received from their dentist, optician, or cosmetic therapist. We cover all areas of clinical negligence so call us today to find out more about making a claim for compensation.

    How long will my medical negligence claim take?

    The average medical negligence claim takes between 18 months and two years to resolve. There is a limit of three years from the date of negligent care (or the date the injury was linked to negligence), but there is no statutory processing time.

    But then there are claims where the other party accepts responsibility and is willing to pay a fair amount of compensation. Typically, these find a resolution in less time than those where liability is up for dispute.

    More free patient legal advice: Will I have to go to court?

    It is very unlikely you will have to go to court to make a claim. The NHS resolve 98% of claims made against them out of court, in short. Moreover, the proportion of applications made against private practitioners is also high.

    We’ll strive to ensure your claim finds a resolution without litigation to save you time and stress.

    How will I fund my claim?

    There are several ways applicants can pay for a medical negligence claim. The most common way is via our Patient Advice Line for a No Win No Fee* agreement. Our lawyers use this to make it affordable for everyone who needs it to access top-quality legal advice and representation. If you want to know more about how No Win No Fee* agreements work, talk to The Medical Negligence Experts today.

    Do I need a specialist solicitor?

    Using a specialist medical negligence solicitor will both:

    • increase the likelihood of you receiving maximum compensation and;
    • reduce the processing time.

    You should always seek legal advice before you accept an offer of compensation from the responsible party. That’s especially true if this offer was unsolicited. Any payment of compensation is final: you can’t ask for more money at a later date.

    *conditions apply

    No Win No Fee

    No Win No Fee

    Typically, customers pay 25% including VAT of the compensation amount that is recovered by our third-party law firms, although this is subject to your individual circumstances and the actual fee may be more or less than this. Termination fees may apply if you do not keep to the terms of the agreement.

    Expert Solicitors

    Expert Solicitors

    If you have a valid claim, our dedicated panel of solicitors will seek the maximum compensation that you are entitled to and will support you every step of the way.

    Personal Dedicated Solicitors

    Personal Dedicated Solicitors

    If your claim assessment is successful you will be connected to a Medical Negligence solicitor who will work on the case from start to finish, being there every step of the way.