Forceps Delivery Negligence Claims
We specialise in helping victims of forcep delivery negligence claim the compensation they deserve. *We are a claims management company and receive payments from our partnered law firms. We offer a free claim assessment and will connect you to a specialist law firm if we identify a potential claim that our law firms can help with.
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Forceps Delivery Negligence Claims
In summary, sometimes birth does not go as smoothly as everyone hopes. As a result, Forceps Delivery Negligence Claims has become a necessary level of expertise in our service offering to victims.
Let’s delve further into the second stage of delivery. In essence, contractions help push the baby through the birth canal and into the world. However, the process can sometimes go on for far too long. As a result, the mother begins to tire, leading to distress for the child.
Thus, medical intervention in the form of forceps or a ventouse can become necessary.
The design of the obstetric forceps, in short, is meant to fit around the curve of a baby’s head. Thus, it enables a doctor to use the contractions and gently pull the baby down. Forceps have regularly been used in childbirth for at least 200 years, in fact. Although they have been around for 400 years as well, so it’s not as if they’re a new tool.
Efficient use of them can speed up those labours that are lagging, and safely deliver a baby without the need for a Caesarean. The ventouse is a modern alternative to forceps. It works by attaching a cup to a baby’s head and using suction to help pull the baby down.
What is Forceps Delivery Negligence?
Negligence in a forceps delivery may happen in case of:
- delay in the use of forceps or a ventouse;
- damage resulting from any inappropriate use.
In fact, injuries via forceps to the mother can include:
- Cuts and abrasions to the vagina and cervix.
- Increased blood loss.
- Damage to the bladder.
- Episiotomy complications.
Also, some of the injuries that clients claim compensation for regarding the child include:
- Cerebral palsy.
- Nerve damage, including to nerves in the shoulders and arms.
- Damage to the skull.
- Cuts and scarring.
Intervention with forceps has decreased over the last decade as the use of the ventouse has risen, and as the risks associated with caesarean deliveries have fallen, however, there are some situations in which a baby’s position means forceps are the best option. Whatever method medical staff use to assist in the birth, they should make clear risks to both the baby and the mother to correctly obtain informed consent.
How Can We Help?
If you feel you or your baby suffered a birth injury due to negligence, then contact The Medical Negligence Experts. The solicitors we work with have experience in handling such claims as well. Moreover, they can talk to you with sensitivity to your situation and give a quality professional opinion. Specifically on whether your request for compensation has a good chance of being successful.
When raising a claim of forceps delivery negligence, the burden of proof falls on the claimant. In essence, they need to:
- prove the occurrence of negligence, and;
- that this negligence harms the health of the mother or baby or causes them injury in some way.
The Medical Negligence Experts can put you in contact with a law firm that will find the right independent medical experts who can assist with this.
Once their investigation concludes and they can prove the negligence and subsequent injuries, they move to the next stage. In short, they will put your case to the care provider in writing, request they acknowledge their responsibility and make fair compensation. In short, a large proportion of medical negligence cases settle without going to court, too.
But the solicitors will refer the matter to the courts if:
- they refuse to acknowledge negligence, or;
- you cannot agree on appropriate compensation.
There is a legal time limit, furthermore, to making a claim for personal injury and medical negligence. Therefore, contact The Medical Negligence Experts sooner rather than later. When the details are fresh in mind and evidence is easier to collect, acting now also gives your case a better shot at success.
About The Medical Negligence Experts
The forceps delivery negligence claims solicitors that The Medical Negligence Experts work with can help to obtain compensation which you can use in a variety of ways. In short, you can move forward with life more easily, including:
- covering privately funded rehabilitation;
- recouping for loss of earnings;
- paying for adaptions for your home or a move;
- specialist aids and any other adaptations you might require.
Contact The Medical Negligence Experts today and let us start you on the path to a brighter future.