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    Please note, we cannot deal with any claims relating to mental health at this time. We can only help where a physical injury has occurred.

    No Win No Fee Medication Negligence Claims

    Failure to administer medication negligence claims can have a devastating effect. Almost as much as misdiagnosing an illness or making a mistake during surgery. Medication is necessary for a purpose, whether that is to:

    • reduce high blood pressure that may lead to a heart attack or stroke;
    • treat an infection that weakens the body and delays recovery after an operation or;
    • regulate the production of insulin.

    Failure to administer the correct dose of medication at the right time can even lead to a patient’s death.

    Medication Negligence Claims: What exactly are they?

    Hospitals and care homes have strictly defined processes which should ensure no patient every misses their medication. Negligence occurs when caregivers do not follow the correct procedure. Also, negligence may happen with emergency medication, such as helping to clot in a case of excessive bleeding.

    Moreover, negligence also occurs where effects of failure to administer do not put a patient’s health at risk. Instead, it does cause them significant trauma. A good example would be if pain-relieving medication were not provided after an operation.

    Patients with conditions that require careful monitoring, like diabetes, are especially sensitive to medication mistakes. Their pancreas is unable to make the glucose their body needs to function, and when the level falls too low (a condition called hypoglycemia), it can lead to coma and even death.

    Clinical negligence does not have to imply the malpractice was deliberate, only that it was avoidable. An exceptionally busy hospital shift may mean a nurse forgets to record when a patient’s next dose is due, while poor communication during shift changeover at a nursing home may lead to overlooking a particular patient.

    How Can We Help?

    In medical negligence claims, it is up to the injured party, or their estate seeking compensation on their behalf, to demonstrate that negligence caused their injury. Gathering this evidence can be a lengthy process however the team at The Medical Negligence Experts have the experience and independent contacts to make this as swift as possible.

    During your initial conversation with one of our expert medical negligence experts, we can help. We’ll talk to you in-depth about your experience and situation to ascertain whether your claim is likely to succeed. The solicitors we work with will help gather the necessary evidence and submit it to the responsible care provider with the request they acknowledge your injury and compensate you accordingly. Where possible, they will try to settle the matter for you out of court.

    Where a health care provider is unwilling to accept responsibility or agree to pay a fair and appropriate amount of compensation, they will support you through the court process and fight for the best outcome on your behalf.

    The Medical Negligence Experts know that some cases may appear to be the same on paper. Still, no two instances are ever the same because all our clients’ circumstances are unique.

    If you feel your health has been affected by medical negligence, then contact The Medical Negligence Experts today and ask us how we can help you make a successful claim for compensation.

    No Win No Fee

    No Win No Fee

    Typically, customers pay 25% including VAT of the compensation amount that is recovered by our third-party law firms, although this is subject to your individual circumstances and the actual fee may be more or less than this. Termination fees may apply if you do not keep to the terms of the agreement.

    Expert Solicitors

    Expert Solicitors

    If you have a valid claim, our dedicated panel of solicitors will seek the maximum compensation that you are entitled to and will support you every step of the way.

    Personal Dedicated Solicitors

    Personal Dedicated Solicitors

    If your claim assessment is successful you will be connected to a Medical Negligence solicitor who will work on the case from start to finish, being there every step of the way.