Erb's Palsy Negligence Claims
We specialise in helping victims of Erb's Palsy negligence claim the compensation they deserve
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Erb’s Palsy Negligence Claims
In the first place, what is the deal with Erb’s Palsy Negligence Claims, exactly?
For us, it’s all about reclaiming what’s rightfully yours at an otherwise difficult time. Medical negligence and birth errors can turn what should be the happiest time in a parent’s life into a nightmare. Some physical effects of medical intervention during birth are brief. In contrast, Erb’s Palsy can be permanent.
Concerned that hospital negligence caused your child’s Erb’s Palsy? Once again, just talk to the experts at The Medical Negligence Experts. Our team of solicitors can speak to you about your experience and determine whether you can make a claim.
What is Erb’s Palsy Negligence?
Erb’s palsy is a condition caused by damage to the nerves in the upper arm. It occurs when the brachial plexus nerves – which run from the neck to the arm giving movement and feeling from the shoulder to the hand – suffer excessive strain. Most people with this condition develop it as a result of a difficult birth. It’s due to their shoulders getting stuck in the birth canal – an event called “shoulder dystocia”.
Not all cases of Erb’s Palsy are due to medical negligence. It can occur when a baby becomes stuck in the birth canal due to larger size, or an awkward angle. Medical practitioners have agreed on safe practices to follow to help release a baby’s shoulder.
Yet even with due care and attention the child may still suffer damage and develop Erb’s Palsy. Negligence happens when medical staff do not follow the correct procedure or have not taken necessary precautions during late pregnancy if there is a concern a baby may be at risk of shoulder dystocia.
How Can We Help?
The claimant must prove medical negligence caused Erb’s Palsy. Finding the proof can take a long time which is why it helps to have solicitor’s experienced in dealing with clinical negligence and birth injuries on your side. We can put you in contact with independent medical experts who can help gather the evidence necessary for your claim to be successful. We can also negotiate with your health practitioner and give advice on whether an offer of compensation is fair and reasonable.
Making Erb’s Palsy Negligence Claims?
Factors that influence compensation include the severity of the palsy, the nature and type of rehabilitation, necessary additional care like physiotherapy (which may not be readily available from the NHS in your area) and other expenses or financial loss you incur. Even though around three-quarters of Erb’s Palsy cases can be cured with the correct type of treatment, it does not take away the validity of a claim if the injury was the cause of negligence.
Personal injury claims, including those for Erb’s Palsy, have a time limit. While they have until the day before their 21st birthday to claim if the damage occurred before a person turned 18, it is beneficial to begin the process as soon as possible. Early action makes it easier to collate the evidence. Moreover, a quick resolution means your child can access the therapy for the best possible outcome.
We can help you obtain the compensation you need when you contact The Medical Negligence Experts today.