Clinical Negligence Solicitors In Newcastle
We specialise in helping victims of clinical negligence claim the compensation they deserve
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Medical Negligence Solicitors in Newcastle
Are you thinking about claiming compensation as a resident in Newcastle? The Newcastle Medical Negligence Experts are the hardest working medical negligence solicitors in Newcastle, and we can help you. Above all, we offer a free, no obligation consultation and a No Win, No Fee* agreement. We also have a team of specialists who will do all they can to get you the compensation you deserve.
Medical services, and the NHS in particular, are under growing pressure to treat more patients. Shrinking budgets, growing waiting lists, and tough targets can test even the top medical professional. Therefore, it is natural that mistakes happen. Whatever the reason:
- insufficient training;
- the pressure to see assess patients more quickly and avoid expensive tests, or;
- plain human error.
Medical Negligence Claims in Newcastle
As unfair as it may seem, simply receiving substandard care is not enough legal reason to request compensation. You need to have suffered an injury or illness as a result of your treatment. Proving negligence is rarely simple and straightforward. Which is why we advise clients to seek legal advice at the earliest opportunity.
It is not uncommon for victims of medical negligence to feel guilty about making a claim. This guilt is reasonable – especially if you have had a good standard of care for the rest of your treatment. However, rest with certainty that there is no need to worry.
Your medical negligence lawyer will be the one who does all the communicating with the other party and their lawyer. Furthermore, in the rare instance that your claim goes to court, we’ll also be with you then.
5 Reasons to Claim Compensation for Medical Negligence
If you’ve any doubts about whether or not making a claim is right for you, the medical negligence solicitors in Newcastle can assist. First, consider these benefits:
- Compensation ensures you’re not out of pocket for any expenses as the result of your illness or injury. Including if you have to take extra time off work to recuperate and travelling costs to and from medical appointments.
- You will have the money you need to have any rehabilitative treatment. Plus, any additional private care, rather than facing lengthy NHS waiting times.
- Claiming compensation won’t get you an apology, but it will give you a legal acknowledgement that you received unfair treatment. This recognition can go a long way in helping with emotional healing.
- Your claim may/may not guarantee that processes will change to prevent a similar occurrence happening to someone else. But we formally record it to help future claimants who suffer the same type of treatment or injury.
- Payment of damages will help ease any financial burden in the future. They provide you with money to make your life more comfortable.
Examples of personal injury medical negligence claims include these below from our Newcastle office.
Birth Injury and Pregnancy Claims in Newcastle
Women in the UK have access to an exceptional standard of prenatal and antenatal care. Despite this, there are times when medical accidents happen, causing injury to the health of the mother or her child. Birth injury claims can include:
- severe perineal tears;
- the mismanagement of conditions like gestational diabetes and preeclampsia;
- organ damage during a caesarian, and;
- failing to adequately monitor and identify when a mother or baby is in distress.
Lack of oxygen before or during birth can result in conditions like cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a name for some conditions which can range in severity from fairly mild. Such conditions wherein the person can live a relatively normal life.
On the other hand, there may be severe mental and physical needs leaving people unable ever to be independent. Diagnosis of cerebral palsy typically occurs by the time a child is 18-months. In addition, it happens when a lack of oxygen starves the brain and causes permanent brain damage.
Medical Misdiagnosis Claims in Newcastle
Medical misdiagnosis can include an incorrect diagnosis of a condition. For instance, diagnosing cancer when symptoms subsequently serve as a cause of something else. It can also be a delay in diagnosis, or not diagnosing an illness at all. As is the case when a doctor fails to detect a fracture, diabetes, or meningitis.
Misdiagnosis on its own is not enough to claim compensation. Especially if your condition and prognosis worsen as the result of misdiagnosis. That’s because The Newcastle Medical Negligence Experts use their knowledge and experience to help you successfully claim compensation.
Surgery Error Claims in Newcastle
Surgical negligence is rare considering the number of operations that occur across the UK every year. But it still occurs nonetheless. Even one instance of a medical mistake that harms the health of a patient is one instance too many.
It doesn’t matter whether you were having simple day surgery or undergoing something more complicated. Your surgical team has a duty of care to ensure that you:
- were not only aware of the risks with your treatment and any possible alternatives;
- but that they took all reasonable steps to minimise these risks.
Hospital Negligence Claims in Newcastle
The NHS has a department to handle the thousands of compensation claims for medical negligence every year. Many of which related to a patient’s stay in a hospital. Hospital negligence can occur in any department.
- From a mistake in Accident and Emergency that sends a patient home when they really need treatment;
- To a specialist misreading or confusing the results of a test or scan;
- Even patients suffering fractures and bleeding when they fall due to inadequate supervision or assistance when moving.
Another example of hospital negligence relates to infection. Hospitals are full of germs and bacteria which are dangerous enough for a healthy person. Moreover, they can be devastating for someone who is already ill.
Two typical examples are MRSA and C.Diff. Hospitals need to have rigorous hygiene processes to protect patients from contracting these illnesses.
Here is an example of a successful compensation claim for hospital-acquired infection. A woman contracts MRSA while in the hospital recovering from hip replacement surgery. The hospital is negligent in minimising the risk of infection.
Damages go out in recognition of the patient’s pain and suffering. Because infection prevents her from regaining full use of her leg as you’d expect without the infection.
Care Home Negligence Claims in Newcastle
The number of cases of care home negligence in the media has risen alarmingly over the last decade. It gives the impression that they are dangerous places to be.
The majority of care homes in the UK live up to a high standard. But, as our legal experts in Newcastle know, some facilities fall far short of acceptable practices.
- Inadequate training can lead to mistakes in handling and moving patients, or incorrectly giving them medication.
- Insufficient supervision can allow patients to put themselves at risk by moving without support or becoming lost.
- Staff shortages can see patients developing pressure ulcers and malnutrition.
The Medical Negligence Experts can assist in determining whether the care you or your family member received was negligent.
Cosmetic Surgery Negligence Claims in Newcastle
A change in public perception and a fall in cost has made the popularity of cosmetic surgery boom. More people than ever are seeking treatment either in the UK or overseas. But the standard of care they receive is not always as good as it should be. Where substandard treatment or care causes injury, you may be able to claim compensation.
Cosmetic treatment can include:
- surgery under a general anaesthetic, such as breast augmentation, gastric band surgery, liposuction, or rhinoplasty;
- as well as cosmetic procedures like tooth whitening and chemical peels.
Laser eye surgery, tattoo removal, and liquid implants and fillers also carry a risk. Practitioners are legally obliged to ensure any patient they treat is aware of the risks associated with their treatment and recovery.
Surgeons now also need to make sure the patient has not been aggressively sold their treatment. Moreover, patients cannot become the victim of misleading advertising. If you suspect your injury was caused by negligence, contact The Medical Negligence Experts today.
Prescription Error Claims in Newcastle
Have you fallen ill because of an unsuitable prescription? Doctors and prescribing physicians may prescribe medication in good faith but fail to check:
- whether you have allergies;
- if it will interfere with medication you already take for another condition, or;
- if the specified dose is correct for your age and weight.
The Newcastle Medical Negligence Experts also handle claims where the mistake has been made by the dispensing pharmacist. Especially for scenarios involving incorrect labelling or even giving the wrong patient’s medicines.
You can help protect yourself against a prescription error by:
- always checking that what you have received is what was written on the prescription and;
- that you understand how to take it and how often the dose should be.
If you have been made ill through a prescription error, talk to us for free legal advice today.
NHS Negligence Claims in Newcastle
All claims made against the NHS are handled by the NHS Litigation Authority. Want help claiming compensation for NHS negligence? Need support making a formal complaint about failings in your care.
You might deserve a compensation payment if you come to harm by any care provided by the NHS. That includes if the negligence is the fault of a GP, nurse, paramedic, or physiotherapist.
Claiming Compensation for Newcastle Medical Negligence
A successful compensation claim for medical negligence begins with the right solicitor, so talk to the experts. Our specialist medical negligence lawyers have the skill and experience necessary. That way, you can obtain the compensation you deserve in the shortest possible time.
We understand that the effort of making a claim may seem too much at first. Especially if you are still recovering and coming to grips with life after your injury. What is an everyday activity for us may seem daunting and unfamiliar. Ergo, our processes are tailored to meeting your specific needs.
Contact us today for a free, no-obligation discussion about your situation. Our qualified legal advisors will be able to let you know whether you may have grounds for a successful claim. We will only recommend you proceed with an application if we believe there is a good chance it will succeed.
As a result, you can trust in our lawyers to make the most of your time.
No Win, No Fee Medical Negligence Solicitors in Newcastle
To make claiming compensation affordable, we offer a No Win, No Fee* agreement. Consequently, you don’t have to pay your legal costs if your claim is unsuccessful. We can advise you on the different types of insurance policies available to cover legal fees. But you may already have legal cover as part of your current home or health insurance policy.
Legal Aid is not usually available for victims of medical negligence. But we will let you know if it may be an option for you on your clinical negligence claim.
It is possible to raise a claim on behalf of another person if they are unable to do so themselves. You can also raise a compensation claim on behalf of a victim who passes away.
In virtually all instances, compensation claims need to be brought within three years of the event. We always advise those considering making a claim to speak with a lawyer at the earliest opportunity. Consequently, the sooner your claim starts, the easier it is to obtain the necessary evidence.
Find out what you could win in compensation: get in touch with The Newcastle Medical Negligence Experts today. The firms we work with are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
*conditions may apply