No Win, No Fee Medical Negligence Solicitors In Westminster
We specialise in helping victims of clinical negligence claim the compensation they deserve. All through access to No Win, No Fee Medical Negligence Solicitors In Westminster.
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Medical Negligence Solicitors in Westminster
Our medical negligence solicitors in Westminster will tell you that all medical professionals have a duty of care to protect their patients’ health and well-being. Failing to uphold this duty of care can have disastrous results.
The Medical Negligence Experts have an excellent track record of obtaining maximum compensation for medical negligence. We can help to protect you from financial hardship and access appropriate resources so you can make the best recovery.
If you believe that the standard of medical care you have received was not only unacceptable but that it caused you an injury or led to your health deteriorating, our medical negligence solicitors in Westminster can help.
Get in touch today to arrange a free, no obligation consultation with a legal advisor to find out whether you may be entitled to request compensation and what to do to give your claim the best chance of being successful.
Claiming Compensation through Medical Negligence Solicitors in Westminster
Start your successful claim for compensation by talking to The Medical Negligence Experts today. For your request to be valid, you not only need to show that you have received an injury, but that this resulted from of negligent medical care and that if you had been treated by another person or in another practice or hospital, it is highly unlikely that you would have come to harm.
It is vital to the success of your claim that you work with a solicitor who specialises in medical negligence. Proving negligence is not simple, and the strength of your case will directly influence the amount of compensation you receive. The more compelling the evidence, the more likely you are to get the payment you deserve – money which will give access the rehabilitative care and financial support you need to move forward.
Medical negligence claims can be harder than those seeking compensation for an injury sustained in a car accident or a poorly maintained public space, because someone’s professional reputation may be at stake. A hospital guilty of delivering inadequate care will vigorously defend a claim made against them.
Our medical negligence solicitors in Westminster are experts at pursuing compensation while protecting our clients from the other party’s lawyers. We liaise with independent medical experts and use all available information to create a claim that is unquestionable in its integrity and which will withstand any attempt to undermine its credibility. It is our professional tenaciousness which makes our claims so successful.
General and Special Damages
There are two areas for which you can claim compensation and these are general and special damages. Both payments exist to make sure that not only is the physical aspect of your injury addressed, but also that you don’t suffer financially because you have lost income because you haven’t been able to work or because you have had to pay for private medical treatment to aid your recovery.
The Medical Negligence Experts handle all types of medical negligence claims. No area of medicine is without risk of negligence, and it does not matter whether you are treated on the NHS or pay to see a private practitioner. However, some causes of negligence occur more frequently than others, and the most common types of medical negligence claims include:
- Medical misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis, including cancer misdiagnosis.
- Birth injuries and those sustained as the result of negligent ante-natal care.
Medication errors, including being prescribed the wrong type or dose of medicine and having medicine wrongly administered in a hospital.
Surgical mistakes that not only include errors made during surgery but which can also include poor post-surgical care, failing to obtain informed consent, and carrying out surgery when it is a not a suitable option for that patient.
While all surgery carries some degree of danger, it is the responsibility of the medical professional to do their best to manage the risk and minimise the chance of anything going wrong. Where they do not do this in the way someone in their position should, you may be able to claim compensation for medical negligence.
No Win No Fee* Medical Negligence Claims in Westminster
Not every claim can be made on a No Win No Fee* basis, but those we handle can. If you’ve been mistreated by a medical professional then why should you then have to worry about whether you can afford to make a claim? Justice in the form of fair compensation should be accessible to everyone who needs it, and a No Win No Fee* application can do that for you.
No Win No Fee* claims are simple in the way they work. After your initial consultation we will research your case and, if we believe there is a good chance of obtaining a positive result, will offer to handle your claim on a No Win No Fee* basis. You have the same access to everything someone who hires a solicitor privately has – expert legal advice, support and representation – but you don’t have to pay upfront for it. Your solicitor is the person taking the financial risk, not you, and if your claim is not successful, then they will waive their legal costs and insurance taken out at the start of the claim will cover any other expenses you incur.
Acting swiftly will increase the likelihood that your claim will be a success. A No Win No Fee* agreement means you don’t have to wait until you can afford to pay a lawyer or have to settle for a non-specialist solicitor because their hourly rate is cheaper. At The Medical Negligence Experts, you can afford the best medical negligence solicitors in Westminster without risking your life savings or having to go into debt to pay your legal expenses upfront with no guarantee of a positive outcome.
If your claim is successful, then your solicitor will request the other party pays your legal costs, and all you have to pay is your lawyer’s success fee, which is a percentage of your total compensation and agreed at the start of your claim.
Claiming Compensation on Behalf of Another Person
There are times when the victim of medical negligence is not able to seek compensation themselves either because they are too young or because they lack the mental ability to do so. They need someone one to represent them and claim on their behalf. These people are called Litigation Friends and can be parents, adult children, partners, spouses, close family members, friends or a solicitor. They act in the name of the injured person, who becomes known as the Protected Party.
There is no difference in the way a claim is processed when it is raised by a Litigation Friend to one brought by a victim. Our goal is always to obtain maximum compensation for the victim so that they can make the best possible recovery without having to worry about money whether it’s paying legal expenses, for private medical treatment, or even to cover day-to-day living costs while they are unable to work due to their injury.
Talk to our medical negligence solicitors in Westminster today for advice about acting as a Litigation Friend. An application to fill this role needs to be approved by the court, but it is a simple process and one with which we can assist.
Settling a Compensation Claim Out of Court
One of the biggest concerns potential clients have is the impact making a claim will have on their lives, including whether they will need to go to court. We understand. Most people will go their entire lives without ever meeting a judge never mind meeting one in a professional setting, and the prospect of having to defend your rights against a hostile solicitor can be daunting.
You don’t need to worry when you choose The Medical Negligence Experts to support your claim. Not only do virtually all of the claims we handle settle out of court, but we also provide an exceptional standard of support if an out-of-court settlement can’t be achieved.
While we always work our hardest to settle your claim out of court, there are times when it’s not possible. Sometimes the other party refuses to admit their role in your injury, denying liability when we know they were responsible. On other occasions, there may be disagreement about what an appropriate amount of compensation is, with the responsible party refusing to pay what you deserve. In these instances, we may recommend you submit your claim to court for a judge to review the evidence and make a ruling.
Litigating a claim is the last resort as it takes control away from those involved and puts it in the hands of a judge. It also adds a significant amount to the time a claim takes not because you spend months in court (most hearings are over within a day) but because you have to wait months for your court date. Often, however, the threat of going to court is enough to restart constructive negotiation with the other party so just because you apply for a court date does not mean your claim won’t still be resolved out of court.
It is important that you are always honest with the information you provide as you may have to testify to its accuracy in court at a later date.
Medical Negligence Compensation Claims FAQ
We have listed the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions from clients considering making a compensation claim for medical negligence. We can arrange a free consultation with one of our legal experts to give you information specific to your circumstances and to answer your question if it’s not listed here.
Can I claim compensation?
If you have been hurt through an avoidable accident or negligent care within the last three years, and you’re over the age of 18, you may be entitled to claim compensation.
What’s the difference between making a complaint and claiming compensation?
You can make a complaint if the standard of your care was poor but it didn’t actually cause you harm, but both cause and damage need to apply for a compensation claim to be viable. A complaint is not a legal process, but the information it provides can help support a request for payment of damages.
A complaint can lead to an apology and assurances that steps will be taken to prevent a future occurrence of what you experienced but will not pay any money. A successful compensation claim will award you money but won’t give any explanation or apology for the hurt you have suffered. Some of our clients come to us after their complaint identifies negligence as a key contributor to their injury.
Is there a time limit for making a claim?
You have three years from the date of injury or the date of knowledge to raise a claim. The time of knowledge is when you found out negligence caused your injury. This date may be months after the injury occurred but, as it can be ambiguous in the eyes of the law, it is always better to use the time of injury where possible, to ensure your claim is made well within the statutory time limit.
What can I claim compensation for?
In addition to requesting financial recognition of the physical pain and suffering you have endured, you can also request compensation to cover any out of pocket expenses and financial losses incurred. The latter can include not only lost wages if you are unable to work while you’re recovering and only get a statutory minimum of sick pay, but also future earnings, if you are forced into early retirement and can’t earn or contribute to your pension as you could have done, had you not been hurt.
In our experience, every claim is as individual as the person making it. Get in touch with The Medical Negligence Experts today and let us help you on the road to recovery.