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    Please note, we cannot deal with any claims relating to mental health at this time. We can only help where a physical injury has occurred.

    Hereford Medical Negligence Solicitors in Hereford

    Talk to our Hereford medical negligence solicitors today if you or someone you loved suffers an injury as a result of inadequate medical care. The Medical Negligence Experts specialise in helping people just like you to get the compensation they deserve.

    It is bad enough that a medical professional had let you down and caused you an injury when you trusted them with your health and well-being. There is no reason to suffer in silence, stretching yourself financially because you have to pay for rehabilitative treatment or struggling physically because you cannot afford to do so.

    To find out whether or not you are entitled to claim compensation contact The Medical Negligence Experts today to arrange a legal consultation. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about claiming compensation for medical negligence. This consultation is free – we won’t charge you for advice or pressure you to start your application.

    Claiming Compensation for Medical Negligence in Hereford

    The best way to see if you can seek compensation in Hereford is to talk to The Medical Negligence Experts.

    Medical negligence occurs when a healthcare professional such as a doctor nurse or dentist, fails to uphold acceptable standards of care. However, this in itself is not sufficient to claim compensation.

    To have grounds to apply for payment of compensation, you have to demonstrate that not only was your care negligent but that it led directly to you receiving an injury

    Proving negligence is difficult, in truth. That’s why it’s vital to the success of your claim that you work with a solicitor who specialises in handling medical negligence claims. Moreover, someone with a comprehensive understanding of the law and the process of requesting compensation.

    As the claimant, it is your responsibility, or that of your lawyers, to show your care was negligent. One proves this by comparing the way your practitioner acts toward you to an acceptable practice. Every treatment carries with it some degree of risk. Negligence occurs when that risk is not identified or adequately managed, and you receive an injury as a result.

    Types of Hereford Medical Negligence Compensation Claims

    The Medical Negligence Experts can help with any medical negligence claim. We work with Hereford medical negligence solicitors who have experience in all aspects of medical negligence. Some typical applications we handle on a daily basis can include GP negligence claims, hospital negligence claims, pharmaceutical and prescription errors, and care home negligence claims.

    Expect better; get better

    Injuries caused by hospital negligence is one of the main reasons clients contact The Medical Negligence Experts. It is reasonable to expect when you go to a hospital that your health will improve rather than deteriorate. In most instances, this is the case. Patients receive expert medical care and attention, their health recovers, and they can return home and proceed with their lives.

    Unfortunately for a small number of patients, the care they receive is inadequate. Failings by staff to maintain good standards of hygiene could lead to the victim developing a hospital-acquired infection, such as MRSA. Another example of medical negligence is when a patient suffers a fracture due lack of care when moving time, or inadequate safety measures that allow them to fall out of bed.

    Our medical negligence solicitors in Hereford can assist with your application for compensation if you develop a post-surgical infection that should have been avoided with adequate monitoring and attention; if you fell ill after being given the incorrect medication or failed to receive necessary medicine; if you are inactive, nursing staff allow a blood clot to form undetected; or if a surgeon causes damage to you during operation.

    We are fortunate to take exceptional levels of healthcare for granted in the UK. When the standard slip and patients are injured as a result, the medical negligence experts can help obtain maximum compensation.

    No Win No Fee* Medical Negligence claims in Hereford

    At The Medical Negligence Experts, we do not think it is fair that someone who has already received an injury through no fault of their own is unable to afford expert legal representation and advice. It is for this reason that our medical negligence solicitors in Hereford offer No Win No Fee* agreements to approved clients.

    During your initial consultation, we will look at the different funding options available for your claim. These can include funding your application privately, which is financially risky as it involves paying your legal fees in advance with no guarantee of a positive outcome. Some clients have existing insurance policies which provide cover for legal expenses, possibly through a motor vehicle or home and contents insurance policies.

    The majority of the medical negligence claims we handle come on a No Win No Fee* basis. No Win No Fee* agreements minimise the financial risk of starting a medical negligence claim. With no upfront costs, they work together with a particular type of insurance called After the Event (ATE) insurance.

    If you lose your claim ATE insurance covers any legal costs outstanding after your lawyer waives their fee. If you win, your solicitor recovers the cost of the premium from your opponent along with your legal expenses.

    What your lawyer will do for you

    Your lawyer will look at two main things:

    • the circumstances around your injury and;
    • your belief that this was due to negligence rather than being an unavoidable side effect of your treatment.

    The solicitor may then come to believe your claim has a good chance of success. Accordingly, they’ll offer to take the financial risk on themselves and represent you on a No Win No Fee* basis.

    If your claim is successful, we’ll then reclaim the legal fees from your opponent. Then, you pay your lawyer a success fee –  a percentage you both agree on from your total compensation award. Your lawyer will talk to you about the structures and funding options before you decide whether or not to proceed with your claim, so you are aware of any associated costs.

    Medical Negligence Claims FAQ

    We are happy to arrange a free consultation with a legal advisor. Consequently, they can answer any questions you have about making a claim. In the meantime, here are the answers to some of the issues we hear most often.

    What is medical negligence?

    When we talk about medical negligence, we do not only mean that a medical professional has failed to uphold their duty of care to you, but that you were hurt because of it. Both of these factors – damages and causation – need to exist for you to have legal grounds to claim negligence.

    How does claiming compensation differ from making a complaint?

    Some victims of negligence raise a complaint, others request compensation, and some do both. You do not need to have been injured to make a complaint about negligent care. What’s more, it doesn’t need to be done through a solicitor. You can ask for answers, and challenge the outcome of a complaint if you aren’t happy with the response. A compensation claim puts a value on your pain and suffering. Additionally, it makes sure you don’t suffer penalties financially either now or in the future.

    If you want answers a complaint could be useful for:

    • the satisfaction of an apology and;
    • the ability to help prevent future occurrences of negligence like yours.

    However, you may instead want formal acknowledgement of your mistreatment and the resources to make the best recovery. Therefore, talk to us about claiming compensation.

    How long will my claim take?

    The majority of claims our medical negligence solicitors in Ripon handle settle between 12 and 18 months after they begin. They can take longer if the other party won’t accept responsibility and your claim goes to court. Also, if your injury leaves you with long-term medical needs you don;t yet know about. In the latter instance, as long as the other party acknowledges liability, we have options. For instance, we can ask for part of your compensation now. That way, you can access the support and treatment you need.

    How much compensation will I receive?

    We calculate every medical negligence claim individually, looking at the claimant’s particular circumstances to put a value on it. Compensation recognises the physical pain and suffering, in short. It also covers any expenses you incur, such as lost wages or private medical treatment.

    Compensation also takes into account any ongoing medical care you may require as well as lost earnings if you need to reduce your hours or take early retirement, and the implications this may have on future earnings and pension.

    Talk to The Medical Negligence Experts today to find out more about whether you are eligible to claim compensation and what steps you need to take. You can fill in our online form and set up a time to speak. Or you can also phone directly on our freephone number.

    *Please note that conditions apply.

    No Win No Fee

    No Win No Fee

    Typically, customers pay 25% including VAT of the compensation amount that is recovered by our third-party law firms, although this is subject to your individual circumstances and the actual fee may be more or less than this. Termination fees may apply if you do not keep to the terms of the agreement.

    Expert Solicitors

    Expert Solicitors

    If you have a valid claim, our dedicated panel of solicitors will seek the maximum compensation that you are entitled to and will support you every step of the way.

    Personal Dedicated Solicitors

    Personal Dedicated Solicitors

    If your claim assessment is successful you will be connected to a Medical Negligence solicitor who will work on the case from start to finish, being there every step of the way.