No Win, No Fee Medical Negligence Solicitors In Exeter
We specialise in helping victims of clinical negligence claim the compensation they deserve
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No Win, No Fee Medical Negligence Solicitors in Exeter
We work with the leading medical negligence solicitors in Exeter to get our clients the compensation they deserve. Whether you’re a victim of genuine human error or institutional failings, you should not suffer in silence. Above all, making a successful compensation claim for medical negligence gives you the support and resources you need to recover.
If a medical professional you trust with your health fails you, talk to The Medical Negligence Experts today. We can help you determine if you have grounds to make a claim, and understand your options so you can make an informed choice on what to do next to protect your future and that of your family.
Claiming Compensation for Medical Negligence in Exeter
Medical negligence is when you receive a standard of care below what is typically acceptable. Healthcare professionals agree to certain responsibilities when treating patients. Failure to meet this duty of care can have devastating results as we know all too well.
We support the victims of medical negligence and their families to get the formal recognition and recompense they deserve. In short, you should not have to struggle financially on top of your physical injury. Therefore, we can get the compensation that enables you to recover and move forward from your injury into the best possible future.
Proving negligence is difficult: this, we can appreciate. Furthermore, it’s important that you work with a solicitor who specialises in medical negligence, and who has the knowledge and experience of successfully handling claims like yours. Your opponent’s lawyers will do everything they can to discredit your experience and pay you as little as possible – if they pay you any compensation at all!
Proving Your Claim
To claim for compensation, you have to show that the care was negligent, leading to injury or harm. Both of these factors must be present for your claim to be legally valid. If you are given negligent care without suffering any ill-effects, or your treatment fails but there is no identifiable point of blame, you have no grounds to request payment for damages as there is no one responsible.
It is not always easy to know whether you are able to make a claim which is why we are happy to offer you a free, no obligation consultation to talk to a legal expert about your rights and the options you have in your situation.
Common Types of Medical Negligence Claims In Exeter
Our medical negligence lawyers in Exeter have experience of handling all types of medical negligence claims. It doesn’t matter, furthermore, whether you have:
- treatment privately or under the NHS;
- elective surgery or;
- depending which country it was in, if you went abroad for your care
Whatever the case, the solicitors we team with help you understand your claim. Namely, if you can claim compensation for an injury from an avoidable mistake.
Common types of medical negligence claims we handle include:
Accident and Emergency Negligence Claims
Nearly 1.3 million people access treatment from the accident and emergency department of hospitals in England every month. Staff work under enormous pressure, having to manage a huge volume of patients with a wide variety of conditions. Examples of A&E negligence can include
- failing to refer a patient for tests, scans or x-rays to make an accurate diagnosis;
- sending a patient home when they need further monitoring and care;
- unacceptable delays in assessing, treating or admitting patients, and;
- rushing examinations or misdiagnosing patients because of misreading of test results incorrectly.
Cosmetic Surgery Negligence Claims
Just because a treatment is elective doesn’t mean you have no legal comeback for an injury. Cosmetic surgery negligence claims cover every type of treatment including surgical procedures such as breast augmentation and rhinoplasty, to burns and scarring resulting from poorly administered chemical skin peels or laser hair removal.
Although tightening, regulations around cosmetic procedures are still not as robust as for other types of surgery, which can leave patients particularly vulnerable to injury from negligent care.
Eye Injury Negligence Claims
Your sight is arguably the sense you would miss the most if it disappeared. To have it damaged, or even lost completely, due to negligent treatment can mean making massive changes to your life. The Medical Negligence Experts can help if your sight suffers through mistakes made by your optician, ophthalmologist, or LASIK eye surgeon.
Negligence can take the form of mistakes made during surgery, performing surgery on a patient who is not suitable, and not referring a patient for further evaluation when spotting signs of swelling, infection or other anomalies.
Pharmacy Negligence Claims
Pharmacists work under strict guidelines that regulate how they obtain, store and dispense medicine. They have a responsibility to ensure the products they sell:
- are genuine and not counterfeit;
- store at the right temperature;
- go to patients in the correct amount, and;
- that the patient is aware of how to take and store their medicine at home.
Pharmacy staff should also check a patient is not taking any other conflicting medicine. Plus, that the prescriptions are not indefinite repeat without their doctor’s assessment.
If they fail in these areas, it can cause serious illness or worse for the victim of their negligence.
Case Study
A recent case of pharmaceutical negligence involves a war veteran receiving the wrong person’s medicine. The external box has the correct label: however, the contents are incorrect. Unfortunately, his poor eyesight means he didn’t detect the error and the results were, tragically, fatal.
You can see another example here.
Serious Illness Negligence Claims
When you have a serious illness, you must trust a professional and put your health in their hands. If you experience delays in:
- obtaining a diagnosis;
- substandard post-operative care;
- discharge from the hospital prematurely, or;
- any other type of avoidable error which leads to or exacerbates a serious illness;
talk to The Medical Negligence Experts for help.
No Win No Fee* Compensation Claims in Exeter
We are one of the leading providers of No Win No Fee* medical negligence claims in Exeter. Everyone should be able to access expert legal advice and representation, but some think it’s too expensive. With our No Win No Fee* agreement, no one has to miss out on getting the compensation they deserve.
No Win No Fee* agreements mean your lawyer agrees to take on the financial risk of making a claim. If your claim is unsuccessful then they will waive their legal fees. If you win, your lawyer earns a percentage of the total compensation as a success fee. Standard fees for successful claims are 25% of the compensation you receive.
ATE Insurance Assistance
In compensation claims, it’s normal for the losing party to pay both their legal fees and their opponent’s. We will look at your options for funding this before you start your claim. Some people have existing legal cover as part of their motor vehicle or home and contents policy.
If you don’t already have sufficient cover then we can help you arrange an After the Event policy. In short, we will protect you financially if your claim is not successful.
Although No Win No Fee* claims mean you do not keep all your compensation, they do have two significant benefits. Firstly, they make it possible to have a qualified lawyer handle your claim without opening yourself up to financial risk. Hiring a lawyer privately is expensive, though. Moreover, no matter how strong your claim looks on paper there is always the chance it will lose.
The second benefit is that you know your lawyer has a vested interest obtaining a positive outcome for you. The more compensation you receive, the better the result will be for both of you.
Claiming Compensation for Another Person in Exeter
Family members or close friends of people suffering through medical negligence approach us regularly. These victims may be unable to claim compensation for themselves either because they are:
- underage or;
- too ill to handle their legal and financial affairs.
These people are litigation friends, and we can help you obtain the court’s authority to act as one.
There is little difference in the way a claim from a claimant or a litigation friend receives processing. If you want more information about how this works, speak with us. Just call or fill in our online contact form to arrange a chat with a legal advisor.
Medical Negligence Claims FAQ
Can I Claim Compensation for Medical Negligence?
Have you received care that you believe was negligent? Did a healthcare professional make a mistake that led to injury or health deterioration? Were you unable to access necessary treatment due to procedural errors? You may deserve to request payment for damages you suffer.
Another criterion for being able to claim is when your injury occurs. In most instances, there is a strict statutory time limit for submitting your claim to court. This needs happen within:
- three years of the date you receive your injury or;
- three years of when you were aware your injury was due to negligence.
It’s not always easy to determine this date, and there is a significant amount of work to do before a claim can go to court. Therefore, we always recommend you seek legal advice at the earliest possible opportunity.
How long does a compensation claim take?
Due to the difficult nature of proving negligence, medical negligence claims usually take longer than personal injury claims. You should expect your application’s resolution somewhere between 12 and 18 months.
This time can be longer if the other party denies liability or you can’t agree on an appropriate amount of compensation. As a result your claim might go to court. Alternatively, the long-term implications of your injury take a while to determine.
How much compensation will I receive?
Generally, we calculate compensation payments to make sure you’re not hurting financially as well as physically. Your lawyer will break it into two parts: general and special damages.
General damages compensate for pain and suffering in particular. There are industry guidelines continuously up to date by the Judicial College as well to refer to in these circumstances. These give you an idea of how much you’ll receive depending on the damage you sustain and how it affects your life.
Special Damages
The second part of your compensation is special damages. It accounts for the money you have spent or lost as the result of your injury. Examples of money you can recover include lost wages if you have been unable to work while recovering, if you have paid privately for rehabilitative treatment such as physiotherapy to help with your recovery, and transport costs to get to hospital or doctor appointments.
In extreme instances, it can also cover things like your partner’s wage if they have had to take time off work to look after you, and even predicted future loss if you can no longer work in the same capacity due to lasting effects of your injury.
The best way to get answers to your questions is to talk to The Medical Negligence Experts. We have the knowledge and experience that will help you understand your options so you can make the right decision about what to do next for you and your family.
Call, or use our online contact form to arrange a time for us to call you.
*conditions apply.