Expert Medical Negligence Solicitors in Durham
We specialise in helping victims of clinical negligence claim the compensation they deserve.
Our team of specialist lawyers includes leading medical negligence solicitors in Durham and the North East for a personal injury claim through medical mistakes.
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Medical Negligence Solicitors in Durham
Have you, or someone you love, experienced negligent treatment at the hands of a health care professional? Our team of specialist lawyers includes leading medical negligence solicitors in Durham for a personal injury claim through medical mistakes. These lawyers are uniquely qualified, with the knowledge and expertise to help you claim the compensation you rightfully deserve.
Choosing the right medical negligence lawyer is crucial to the outcome of your application. Relying on a generic lawyer for medical negligence cases is like taking a horse to a car mechanic! We turn to firms authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority law society. That’s true for all the Durham medical negligence solicitors that we work with.
What is a Medical Negligence Claim in Durham?
Fault and avoidable harm define medical negligence claims in County Durham and throughout the North East. As the claimant, it is your responsibility to prove that the fault lies with the other party. Your lawyer builds your case to show that care fell below an acceptable standard.
Subsequently, you suffer physical harm, requiring clinical negligence claims. Moreover, it could even lead to a spinal injury or a fatal outcome, from healthcare professionals’ neglect. Your lawyer will seek to show that you would not reasonably expect to receive similar treatment from a comparable medical professional. By seeking the compensation you deserve, we can help to minimise the financial risk negligence visits upon you.
It is not enough to accept negligent care; you need to have received an injury as a result. For some clients, their injury is facial scarring from poor cosmetic surgery. Some may have had an unnecessary operation, while others may have been left with sensory impairment or brain damage.
Misdiagnosis and delays in diagnosis
Regarding failures or delays in diagnosis, your claim must demonstrate the delay creates a worse prognosis. Additionally, the ensuing aggressive treatment that results from such delays would have otherwise been unnecessary.
Our advisors will be able to discuss your situation and let you know if and how you can apply for compensation. By talking with us, you’ll have the information you need to make the best decision for you and your family.
To further ease the claims process, The Medical Negligence Experts offers clients a No Win No Fee* medical negligence contract.
Hospital Trusts Negligence in Durham
Hospital negligence claims can relate to substandard care in A&E, for example, if staff send you home without correct assessment.
It can also be:
- An unnecessary amputation, for one.
- Not explaining alternative treatment so you can make an informed decision
- Surgical errors and mistakes with applying anaesthesia.
- Also, a lack of monitoring or incorrect medication which leads to a blood clot or stroke.
Infections like MRSA, which you can avoid spreading by following the correct hygiene process, are also a hospital negligence claim.
Cosmetic Surgery Negligence in Durham
One of the most frequent queries The Medical Negligence Experts receive about cosmetic surgery relates to a lack of informed consent. In short, where Durham cosmetic surgery patients are not adequately made aware of the procedure’s risks.
Every surgery comes with a risk of failure or infection, or of less than perfect results. Accordingly, a surgeon also needs to be aware of their patient’s previous medical history. Industry regulation around cosmetic treatments like hair removal and breast augmentation was previously lax. However, rules continue to tighten each year.
Practitioners are responsible for ensuring their patients can provide informed consent. Moreover, they cannot advertise in an overly aggressive or reckless fashion. That, in turn, would leave them subject to a General Medical Council investigation.
Contact The Medical Negligence Experts if you suffer negligent care before, during, or after cosmetic surgery, including gastric band and liposuction.
Pharmacy Claims in Durham
In essence, have you ever been given the wrong medication through a pharmacy?
- Have you dealt with prescription errors by GPs and doctors?
- Possibly they’ve made mistakes in storage and dispensation of medicine?
As a result, such error can have potentially fatal consequences. Either through poisoning a patient or failing to treat the prescribed illness.
Prescription error negligence can include being given medication to which you have a known allergy. Also, you might receive medicine that has incorrect dosage amounts or frequency listed on it. Or, the prescribing and dispensing practitioner didn’t ensure that the patient knew how to use the medicine.
Surgery Negligence Claims in Durham
All types of medical surgery pose certain risks. Therefore, in order to give informed consent, patients need to understand these risks and be told about possible alternatives to surgery. Your surgeon and medical team have a duty of care to manage these risks and protect the patient’s health.
So if you believe your injury was avoidable then get in touch with The Medical Negligence Experts for legal advice. Moreover, this extends to dental negligence surgery claims.
Care Home Negligence Claims
Compensation claims in Durham for care home negligence can be some of the most emotionally involved. Choosing to move to a care home, or arranging for a loved one to relocate there, is not always easy. Those who are elderly and physically infirm are some of society’s most vulnerable people. In turn, that can make care home negligence feel like an enormous betrayal of trust.
Pregnancy Negligence Claims in Durham
Pregnancy is a time of excitement, but it can also be a cause for worry and anxiety. The UK’s prenatal and antenatal care is envied around the world. However, unfortunate mistakes still occur in the medical profession. The Medical Negligence Experts can help you claim compensation for negligent care that affects your health or that of your baby.
For example:
- Insufficient monitoring for conditions like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.
- Ignoring the symptoms of placental abruption.
- An unseen diagnosis of birth defects.
Optician Negligence Claims in Durham
We count on our vision more than any other sense. Eye treatment negligence claims can relate to misdiagnosis, incorrect treatment, or the correct treatment being done badly.
The Medical Negligence Experts represent clients who lose part or all of their sight due to optician negligence. Examples can include a delay in diagnosis or incorrect treatment.
Compensation for Medical Negligence Claims in Durham
Your successful compensation claim starts with a simple phone call to The Medical Negligence Experts. Or, if you prefer, filling in our online form so we can contact you directly. Equally important, there’s no cost or funding options obligation to access our advice.
During your initial consultation, one of our expert legal advisors talks to you specifically about your situation. They find out what injury you suffer, how it came about and the effect it has on your life. Our medical compensation solicitors review all this information carefully to let you know whether you have legitimate grounds.
Some clients have legal protection as part of their home or health insurance. Others choose to take a policy out as part of our No Win, No Fee* conditional fee agreement.
Exceptional legal advice in Durham
Our connection to medical experts provides exceptional legal advice and practical support. Our goal is to obtain the funding you need to make the best possible recovery. So if you’ve experienced medical negligence in Durham, this could mean:
- Covering your lost salary while you are healing.
- Getting you the money to access private medical treatment.
- Buying equipment that will enable you to be independent despite your injury.
Still, we understand that no one wants to be in a situation where they can claim compensation. But there is no reason you should suffer financial hardship because another person failed in their duty of care.
Medical Compensation Claims and Processing Times
There is a statutory time limit of three years to lodge a compensation claim for medical negligence in Durham. However, there is no due processing time.
Generally, the more complications your injury presents, combined with the worsening of its effects, the longer your application will take. For example, cases resulting in brain damage can take several years to process. By comparison, a cosmetic treatment claim that results in minor scarring can take less than a year.
The vast majority of compensation claims – more than 98% of all NHS Trust negligence claims – are agreed out of court. However, the other party also might not admit liability. Or you can’t agree on a reasonable amount of compensation
In that case, your lawyer may recommend you submit your claim to the courts for a judge to make a ruling.
Claiming Compensation on Behalf of Another Person in Durham
It is possible to raise a compensation claim on behalf of another person if they:
- Do not have the mental capacity to do so themselves, or;
- If they are under 18 years of age.
Claiming for a third party is standard practice for parents of a baby with a birth injury. As such, compensation can help them pay for the support the child will need growing up. In this instance, you will be known as their litigation friend. Subsequently, any monetary compensation will go into a trust as a result of medical negligence at an official registered office.
*No Win No Fee agreements mean you don’t have you pay your legal costs if your claim is unsuccessful. Moreover, for medical negligence specialist solicitors in Durham, conditions do apply.