No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Solicitors in Doncaster
We specialise in helping victims of clinical negligence claim the compensation they deserve.
We work with expert medical negligence solicitors in Doncaster for top-notch legal assistance on your compensation claim.
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Medical Negligence Solicitors in Doncaster
When you see a medical practitioner, you trust they’ll do their job to the best of their ability. Most provide a good standard of care and your medical treatment goes as expected. Unfortunately, through genuine error, careless mistakes, or institutional failings, you might suffer a personal injury through clinical negligence and malpractice.
If you suffer as the result of medical negligence, talk to The Compensation Experts. We work with the leading law firms offering expert medical negligence solicitors in Doncaster.
Therefore, we can assist you in obtaining the compensation you deserve. Our experience and knowledge mean we understand the effect an injury has. Therefore, we can support and guide our clients smoothly through the claims process.
In the first place, we work exclusively with law firms authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). So ask today for a free consultation offering trustworthy legal advice. We know you would rather not be in a position to have to claim compensation.
Yet having it will help you access the rehabilitative treatment and care you need. With the right medical negligence solicitors in Doncaster, turn the worst times of your life into a positive future.
Types of Medical Negligence Claims
Medical professionals commit to a duty of care towards their patients when they agree to treat them. But when they fail and a patient suffers an injury as a result, it may be possible to claim compensation.
Our experienced medical negligence solicitors in Doncaster handle a wide variety of medical negligence cases.
- Birth injury claims, for instance, is one area we can help.
- Care home negligence is another compensation claim we can make.
- Claims against the NHS is a case we’ve made for our clients.
- Cosmetic surgery negligence can lead to a compensation claim.
- Dental negligence.
- Fatalities as a result of medical or clinical negligence.
- We also claim the mistakes committed by a GP.
- Medical misdiagnosis, as well, is a claim we make for clients.
GP negligence is typical of the type of medical negligence team claim we handle at The Medical Negligence Experts. It can take various forms.
- Failing to refer a patient for appropriate tests or specialist assessment.
- Prescribing medication that’s inappropriate for a patient’s condition or allergies.
- Misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment.
It may also involve not keeping accurate medical notes that lead to a future failure in the patient’s care.
A central body known as The NHS Litigation Authority handles claims against NHS practitioners. We are extremely familiar with their processes, as we represent many clients in successful NHS negligence claims for compensation. Our wealth of experience works to your benefit. It means that a medical or clinical negligence claim is likely to go more smoothly and be less stressful.
Medical Negligence Solicitors in Doncaster with Experience
There is no substitute for experience when it comes to obtaining maximum compensation. We will carefully match you with the solicitor who has the relevant expertise in handling your particular type of medical negligence claim. We promise to work hard to secure you the best possible outcome, taking into account all your needs.
Some people find making a claim very stressful, while others feel it is a cathartic way to put their experience behind them. Our service meets the needs of individual clients so you never feel uncomfortable or in the dark about what is happening.
Claiming Compensation for Medical Negligence
Once you have contacted The Medical Negligence Experts and had an initial chat, we will arrange a suitable time for a more detailed initial consultation. This is a free, no-obligation opportunity for you to ask any questions you have about making a claim, and where we can advise you about whether you have legal grounds to request compensation. We can also look at funding options, including our No Win No Fee* conditional fee agreement.
Let’s say that there is cause for you to receive damages and you want to formally request them. In that scenario, we will contact the other party to find out whether they acknowledge responsibility at this early stage. They may acknowledge their failings, or they may want more information before responding. If they admit liability and you still need ongoing treatment, we can request an interim payment to cover expenses like private medical care, so the wait for payment does not hinder your recovery.
We’ll go through your case in detail, collecting all the necessary information to show two things.
- First, we’ll prove the full extent of the pain and suffering you endure.
- Additionally, we’ll display the effect your injury has on your life.
This information will come in part from your medical notes. Additionally, we’ll speak to independent medical professionals and arrange an evaluation of your experience and the failings in your care. They’ll provide a prognosis of the significance your injury will have on your life in future.
FAQS for Medical Negligence Solicitors in Doncaster
We know you probably have a lot of questions going through your mind. Here are answers to the most common questions clients ask when they are considering claiming compensation for medical negligence.
Can I Make a Compensation Claim?
You may have entitlement to claim compensation if:
- You have an injury or illness a healthcare professional is responsible for.
- It was avoidable – that is, it was the cause of the actions of a person or institutional failings.
- The injury took place within the last three years.
Not every incidence of negligence represents legal grounds to claim compensation. Likewise, not all injuries one sustains during treatment are due to negligence. To validate your claim, you’ll need to show you did suffer a physical injury and that someone was at fault.
Will I have to go to court?
We do our best to resolve claims out of court. The vast majority of claims settle out of court, and it’s likely yours will too. The NHS Litigation Authority resolves more than 98% of all claims made against the NHS out of court.
Moreover, claim resolutions made against private practitioners are similar. We’ll always strive to resolve your claim in the shortest possible time (ideally in an out of court agreement).
In essence, claims court is nothing like you see on TV: no judge in a wig, imposing room, or jury. However, going to court is still a rather stressful occasion. We can advise you on whether you should litigate your claim, but the decision will be yours. We may recommend submitting your claim to court if:
- the other party denies responsibility for your injury or;
- if they refuse to pay what we feel is a fair and appropriate amount of compensation.
However, we’ll continue to negotiate for a settlement out of court even if there is a trial date. If your claim goes before a judge, we’ll advise and guide you to the most successful outcome.
How Much Compensation Will I Receive?
There are several considerations when calculating the amount of compensation, which makes it difficult to give an accurate estimate of payment at the initial stage of your claim. In addition to using guidelines set out by the Judicial College regarding payment for damages, we will look at the cost your injury has had on you in terms of private medical expenses, paying for prescriptions, lost income, and projected future expenses for medical support.
The law calculates compensation payments by adding general damages for pain and suffering, together with special damages specific to your circumstances. As a general rule, the more severe your injuries and longer-lasting the effects, the higher your compensation payment will be.
How Long Will My Claim Take Through Medical Negligence Solicitors in Doncaster?
Compensation claims for medical negligence can take anywhere from nine months to three or more years. Our aim will always be to resolve your claim in the shortest possible time, but we won’t cut corners or put your final payment amount at risk.
As with the amount of compensation you can expect, the nature of your injury will impact the duration your claim takes. A clean fracture which heals completely without leaving any effects will take less time to resolve than a spinal injury where a victim’s long-term prognosis is unclear.
There are other further influencing factors.
- Whether or not the other party acknowledges responsibility for their actions in your injury.
- If they deny liability and an amount of time elapse between your injury and the start of your claim.
The sooner we can investigate the circumstances around your injury, the easier we can obtain evidence to support your claim.
Is There are Time Limit for Making a Claim?
You have three years from the date of your injury to start a compensation claim for medical negligence. Alternatively, you have three years from the date when authorities cite negligent care as the cause of the injury. The exceptions to this statutory time limit are:
If you were a minor at the time of your injury. Your parent/guardian can start a claim at any point from the date of your injury until your 18th birthday. Once you turn 18 and are legally an adult, you have three years to begin a claim yourself.
If you are claiming on behalf of a person without the mental capacity to claim for themselves. Their ability needs to a legal determination. In turn, any compensation they receive will go into a trust.
Appointed trustees will manage that trust until such time the victim can legally manage their finances themselves. If they regain their mental capacity, they have three years from that date.
How Do I Make a Fatal Negligence Claim?
The claims process for fatal negligence is slightly different from other claims. This is because there is a compensation request for those they leave behind. A family member’s death due to a person or organisation you trust with their lives is devastating enough. It can also be financially crippling.
Fatally negligent treatment could result in a patient dying as the result of:
- Surgery or treatment.
- The illness did not receive a diagnosis.
- A delay in diagnosis and they didn’t receive the life-saving care they need in time, if at all.
A post-mortem takes place with sudden death, together with an inquest if the results of it are unclear. Suspect a family member dies from medical negligence? Then talk to The Medical Negligence Experts – medical negligence solicitors for Doncaster.
What Does “No Win No Fee” Mean?
The most common way our clients fund their claims is with a No Win No Fee* agreement. There is a critical benefit to this type of conditional agreement. In short, it reduces the financial risk of paying for legal representation with no guarantee of receiving compensation.
We will talk to you about funding options to make sure you are comfortable with any financial implications at the start of your claim. You may already have insurance cover as part of your existing health, home, or trade union insurance policy. Alternatively, yours could be one of the rare claims which Legal Aid can cover.
Conditional Agreements with Medical Negligence Solicitors in Doncaster
No Win No Fee policies also have the label “conditional agreements.” Funds come from an After-the-Event (ATE) insurance policy that will cover any legal fees for which you are responsible. If you win through your medical negligence solicitors in Doncaster, most of your legal expenses will be covered.
- First, an agreed percentage of your final compensation payment.
- Or, it’s in an agreement with the defendant.
If you lose, you will not have to pay any of your legal expenses with us. Meanwhile, the insurance policy covers the cost of the defendant’s expenses. We only recommend that a client pursue a claim if we believe it can succeed.
You can find out more by filling in our online contact form and state a convenient time for us to call you. For medical negligence solicitors in Doncaster, think of the Medical Negligence Experts.
*Please note that conditions may apply.