Expertise in Vaginal Mesh Implant Claims
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Vaginal Mesh Implant Compensation Claims
You may have heard about the growing number of women in the UK who have successfully made vaginal mesh implant claims. Surgeons enthusiastically offer the procedure for victims of prolapsed organs that cause incontinence. Yet it has left a swathe of casualties in its wake. In particular, women suffering from cuts, infections, scarring and debilitating pain.
The Medical Negligence Experts work with the leading vaginal mesh negligence solicitors to help the victims obtain the compensation they deserve.
So far more than 800 women in England and 400 in Scotland have submitted a claim against the NHS for injuries caused by their vaginal mesh implant. In addition, they request financial recognition for the pain and suffering resulting from:
- faulty implants or;
- the negligent way in which they insert them which means you cannot remove them.
In a significant number of claims, victims also state they:
- did not receive information about the risks with treatment, and;
- would not proceed if they did know this information.
Negative effects
Victims of faulty mesh implants have stated their injuries include:
- Cuts in their vaginal walls caused by sharp edges;
- Infection resulting from cuts and faulty mesh;
- Significant pain. In some instances, this has been so severe that victims have been unable to undertake simple daily activities.
Despite the relatively small number of claims raised, BBC research found that of the 92,000 women who have had the mesh fitted in the UK, one in 11 of them has experienced problems as a result. This means that there could be as many as 10,000 women in the UK who are struggling in silence. Unaware that they may deserve compensation either because:
- the mesh used in their operation was faulty;
- the surgeon who inserted it made a mistake, or;
- they have bad information about the effectiveness of the treatment and its risks.
Vaginal Mesh Implant Negligence Claims
Talk to The Medical Negligence Experts today if you believe you may be the victim of vaginal mesh implant negligence. We are happy to give you a free, no-obligation conversation with an expert who can talk to you about your experience and answer any questions you may have.
We appreciate that injuries of this nature are extremely sensitive and promise to maintain your confidentiality. While we handle all types of medical negligence claims, we understand that what may be routine for us has a huge impact on you. One of the reasons our customer satisfaction rate is so high is because not only do we excel at obtaining maximum compensation, but we also do so in a way which keeps our client and their individual needs at the heart of every claim.
Your doctor may have let you down, but we won’t. The easiest way to find out whether you may have legal grounds to claim compensation for an injury caused by a faulty vaginal mesh implant is to talk to a representative of The Medical Negligence Experts.
Call today, or fill in our online contact form and let us know when you want a call from an expert to discuss your claim. With The Medical Negligence Experts on your side, there is no need to struggle on your own.